Peer review process

Articles received they have to pass in all cases for arbitration double-blind (double-blind assessment), publishers do not give to know the reviewers the name of the authors of the manuscript to review, and do not give to know authors the names of the arbitrators. Evaluators in judgment on the proposed publication with comments deemed relevant. When the evaluation is positive, the observations of the evaluators are sent to authors by editors of the magazine.

To be included in the publication, it is necessary that the papers are free of editorial commitments of any other journal or publishing organ. Each contribution will be subject to double-blind assessment by academic experts on the subject to be presented. The failure of the adjudicators will be final and will determine the acceptance or rejection of the proposals. The Editorial Board of the magazine remember the number that texts that are approved will appear.

Peer review / responsibility of the reviewers:

- Opinions should be objective;

- Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with regard to research, the authors and / or funders of research;

- Reviewers should note if there is content not yet reviewed;

- Reviewed articles must be treated confidentially.